

Katpana Desert, located near Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan is at an elevation of 303 meters. Surrounded by blackish grey mountains, the desert has a unique landscape as well as temperature which has attracted visitors from all around the world. Better known as the “Cold Desert”, the desert offers mesmerizingly cold nights and strong winds which make...
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Lower Kachura Lake or Shangrila Lake is located near the city of Skardu in Gilgit Baltistan at a height of 2,500 meters. Famously known for the Shangrila Resort built on its bank in 1983 by Mohammad Aslam Khan Afridi, a Pakistani military officer who served as the first commander of the Northern Scouts of the...
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Kharpocho or Skardu Fort is located in Skardu city in Gilgit Baltistan. Also known as the “King of Forts”, the fort is “perched above the junction of the rivers and overlooks the rock of Skardu”, as perceived by Australian mountaineer and filmmaker. The fort was constructed at the end of the sixteenth century by king...
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Do you want to experience what’s it like living in a 17th-century palace? Look no further because Shigar Fort welcomes you to stay in the royal chambers as a royal guest and experience the hospitality and culture of the Amacha Dynasty with your own eyes! Build some 400 years ago by a Raja of Amacha...
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